Environmental control

Integral automatic control of the environmental conditions of poultry houses: heating, refrigeration, ventilation, windows lighting, high and low pressure nozzles, etc…
By means of temperature, humidity and CO2 concentration probes, etc…, as well with external meteorological unit.
It optimizes the use of the existing resources to control the environmental conditions, maximizing the fattening of the animals, their quality of life and the power consumption.
Highest effectiveness in the management of the resources. Considering to decide the activation of a device.
The power consumption. Some pre- established preferences. Dimensions and orientation of the building. Environmental conditions. Speed and wind direction. Thermal impact. Etc. Real time informaion righ to you in your screen, clear and intuitive, so you just need to have a “glance” so you will know all the parameters and devices.
In the initial installation, the approximated situation of the devices in the house is inputted by means of simple and intuitive visual procedure, that allows the programme to control by zones, deciding in each case, the best activities to get the optimal operation of the unit, based on the “areas of responsibility” of each item.
Through a superfluous control system, in the case of computer failure, the system continues running and the animals maintain within the most suitable environmental conditions.
The system even admits the remote control and updating and controlling through internet, allowing modifying control parameters if you have the suitable permissions.
The implementation of heuristic algorithms allows the system to be optimized right now and in the future. The system goes “learning” and acquiring experience.
Periodical self-test and alarm control, in case of failure, by means of sms. Multiple options for a quick check of the devices. Tasks of maintenance and trouble-shooting. It includes the possibility of preparation of cycle to adapt the conditions before the arrival of the animals. Real time hard disk storage, great flow of data, for its later comparative analysis of cycles, genetics, grow rates, etc…